First Congregational Church UCC
Women's Fellowship
Women’s Fellowship, originally organized in 1870 as the Ladies’ Aid Society, has been an integral part of our church organization throughout our history. The early group met often, sometimes as often as once a week, working diligently on many fundraising projects to support its primary focus which was our near-by parsonage. Indeed, the Ladies’ Aid Society contributed three-quarters of the original purchase price of the parsonage and for many years raised enough money to completely support the upkeep and management of the parsonage. In 1965 the group changed its name to Women’s Fellowship and continued as a strong, vibrant, rather formal organization throughout the 1900’s.

Today we are a less-formal but enthusiastic and active group of church members, friends and ladies from the community. We meet once a month, often working on crafts and other projects to sell or to support the church’s fundraising activities. We also meet simply for fun and fellowship, sharing our experiences and expertise with one another. We have traveled vicariously to Italy, Germany and France as members share their vacation travels. We have also learned from one another how to make pasta, plant container gardens, make maple syrup, fashion jewelry, make candles and paper crafts. Food is always a favorite focus, serving refreshments at each meeting, as well as providing desserts for church suppers and making pies to sell at fundraisers. At Christmas we always enjoy coming together to “green” the church and the parsonage followed by a cookie and recipe swap. The fun, fellowship and fundraising we do as a group flows naturally from the love we share for God, our church and one another. In this regard, we always also do our best to surround and support members and friends going through difficult times.